Introducing myself

Good Morning Everyone,

A brief post to introduce myself and to thank you all for welcoming me to co2balance. Having started two weeks ago in the UK office, I already feel welcome and am delighted to join such a motivated team with great expertise in carbon finance and the development of climate change mitigation measures.

I graduated last year with a Master in Sustainable Development from the University of St. Andrews and am excited to apply my interest in carbon and water related projects in my work at co2balance. I’m looking forward to get to know the various work processes, to meet the rest of the team at some point and to contribute more to the work of co2balance.

Having German and Bangladeshi roots, I grew up in Germany and moved to the UK nearly 2 years ago. Personally, I enjoy cycling, running and going hill-walking. Below is a picture after running up Arthur’s Seat in Edinburgh and more recently I’m discovering good routes through the Blackdown Hills.


Updates from the field – Kayonza

In partnership with our international and in-country project partners we have completed the rehabilitation of 45 boreholes in Kayonza District in Eastern Rwanda. The project is a result of a successful cooperation of multiple actors, this time including engineering students from the local university, too. Government officials have also welcomed the project especially because the district aims to improve its water supply coverage as part of Rwanda’s second Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS 2). The total improved water source in Kayonza is at 72% compared to 82% of national average, but thanks to the borehole rehabilitations more than 22,000 people have now access to clean water. Adding to the 63 boreholes in Gatsibo, we have now 108 boreholes working thanks to our rehabilitation efforts in the Eastern Province. We are very pleased with this progress, please see some photos below about the repairs and the results.